100% Uptime & Faster Websites
Save hours of work and money every month
Our infrastructure will be automatically scaled to accommodate your traffic peaks
Push changes to your websites by committing them on a Git Repository
Execute WP CLI commands to have full control over your WordPress sites
Organize your websites in different projects and add collaborators to help you maintaining them
We take care of your application 24/7 and we notify you if something wrong happens
1 WordPress Install 25K Monthly Visitors 10GB Storage Email 8/5 Support
3 WordPress Installs 50K Monthly Visitors 30GB Storage Email 8/5 Support
8 WordPress Installs 100K Monthly Visitors 120GB Storage Email 8/5 Support
20 WordPress Installs 500K Monthly Visitors 240GB Storage Email 8/5 Support
50 WordPress Installs 1M Monthly Visitors 360GB Storage Email 8/5 Support